As the school year approaches, there may be some anxiety about getting used to proper study habits after summer relaxin’ 😎. This summer is and has been much needed but there are also a lot of hopes and goals going into the upcoming school year. There are many ways people experiment in ensuring they start the academic year off with a proper academic schedule and habits. As you get into the hustle and bustle of the school year you may benefit from incorporating studying on the bus ride to school, in between classes, and even outside without all of your textbooks. I have narrowed down the top five phone applications that will motivate you to learn on the go.
This post features apps that are Android phone user friendly.
1. Google Docs
I have found great success in creating outlines as the semester progresses. I usually take the syllabus and copy and paste the learning objectives into it. As I learn the topic I fill in the information on the topic. If I do this, it makes it really simple to focus on the key information my professors want me to know. Google Docs is easy to use and edit text with.
2. Notion
In the past year, I have come to really appreciate the concept of active recall. Active recall has been said to help people efficiently practice material and commit information to memory. And Notion is the perfect application to help you do just that! It has an awesome toggle feature where you can go through the notes your professor gives, create questions, open the toggle and insert the correct answer along with appropriate images, links, etc.
3. Quizlet
My peers and I love creating, sharing, and practicing with Quizlet to practice. This app is the MOST on the go friendly with its responsive phone application. I love the several learning tactics outside of regular flashcards the app allows you to choose from, like learn and match mode. If you make the flashcards correctly then using Quizlet is a great way to test yourself and how much you actually know about a topic.
4. KhanAcademy
Every semester I take the list of every class that I am taking and I add the corresponding course on Khan Academy to “My Courses”. This way I will have easy access to practice and resources about the subject. I can easily scroll through the subtopics of each topic area and learn the new material. They lay out all the information so it is easy to understand and comprehend. There are YouTube videos and sometimes practice questions. The app even has a built-in motivation that goes a long way in motivating you to actually practice material (especially topics you find difficult😅).
5. Google Calendar
At the beginning of each semester, I integrate my assignment, homework, and examination schedule into my calendar. This is a great tool! While I am on the go and maybe pressed for time, I can always prioritize my schoolwork with the closest deadlines and study for the content that will be presented the next day.
Check out how I use Google Calendar in another post I wrote that touched on using this easy-to-use Google product. Read more here.
Want More Study Tips?
Check out this awesome YouTube channel that creates valuable videos that educate people on the best study practices.
All of these apps can be downloaded for free in the Google Play Store on supported Android devices. You can check out the store here and download the apps discussed in this article.
I hope that everyone can benefit from these useful phone applications to learn on the go. These applications are exactly what I use as an Android user and everyone else should too. Study on the go and see your grades grow 🌱. Do you use any other apps to study and to stay on top of your academics? Comment down below other apps others can try.
If you are an iPhone user and are interested in learning about some phone apps that will motivate you to study on the go check out another blogger who wrote about just that.